D-Life Training
D-Life training is the most important training we can provide for others. Excellent D-Life training materials are provided. Every ministry that signs up for D-Life is provided PDF and PowerPoint training materials to implement the D-Life plan. View a sample HERE.
D-Life Leader Training is also available onsite and online.
The Bible & the D-Life
The Bible and the D-Life Website are the only tools one needs for living the D-Life. The D-Life makes living the D-Life simple. When you SIGN UP for D-Life, everyone in your ministry will have immediate access to the D-Life Study Guides, Study Notes, and Training Materials provided on this website. The mobile web version of this site makes the D-Life weekly study guides easily accessible for all D-Groups meeting anytime and anywhere.
D-Life weekly study guides come in an electronic (web) format and a printable (paper) format. Samples of both formats of the study guide for the first week of D-Life can be viewed by clicking the buttons below.