Month: November 2015
Equipping Others for Discipleship
As pastors and teachers, we have the world’s most important job. I think we could rightfully say, as goes our job so goes the world. If we do our job well, the world will be a better place. If we fail to do our job, the world will grow darker and darker. It is of first importance to
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Calling All Ladies to D-Life
(by Rondie Wilks) Ladies . . . come in here real close. I want to tell you something important. Very important! I want you to know something–I mean really know how wonderful and special you are. You are absolutely beautiful. Look at me! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has a specific amazing plan
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4 Earnest Prayers for Disciple Makers
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37b). These were the words of our Lord over two thousand years ago. Tragically these words are still true today. The harvest is more plentiful than ever, but the laborers are still far too few. Jesus said, “Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to
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